The laboratory of
Prof. Kyriakos E. Kypreos

Exploring the exciting world
of lipids and lipoproteins
for better health

The laboratory of
Prof. Kyriakos E. Kypreos

Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics

The laboratory of
Prof. Kyriakos E. Kypreos

Preclinical Research in animal models

The laboratory of
Prof. Kyriakos E. Kypreos

Post-market evaluation
Product safety assesment

The laboratory of
Prof. Kyriakos E. Kypreos

Ideas and innovation
for healthy living

Our manuscript entitled ‘High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) metabolism and bone mass’ is now featured in the Journal of Endocrinology educational resources - JBL (Journal Based Learning)

Our manuscript ‘High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) metabolism and bone mass’ recently accepted for publication in the Journal of Endocrinology (IF=4.71, Official Journal of the Society for Endocrinology) has been selected to be featured in the journal’s educational resource – Journal Based Learning (JBL).

JBL is being introduced to help educate clinicians-in-training and junior researchers. It is based upon leading articles published in the Journal of Endocrinology that form the evidence for continuing professional development programmes.

Congratulations to all contributors for their good work!


Contact us
Lab contact:
(Monday-Friday 10:00-17:00)

Secreteriat contact:
(Tuesday and Thursday 10:00-12:00)




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